Mille Seseau

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Mille Seseau, is the northern, and largest country in Endiness, with the most human towns and cities, matched only by pre-war unified Serdio. Mille Seseau is led by Queen Theresa from the Crystal Palace In Deningrad, alongside her four adopted daughters, Miranda, Luanna, Wink, and Setie, who are known as the Sacred Sisters as they are not princesses. As a northern country, it has the coldest climate compared to the other current human countries. It contains within it three large cities; Deningrad, Furni, and Fueno, as well as two smaller towns, Lidiera, and Neet. It is the only country with a separate inhabited island network. 

Mille Seseau hosted the most recent appearance of the Moon Child and Black Monster, as Princess Louvia was tracked through Neet and then to a royal ship, where the Black Monster killed her and the crew onboard. Mille Seseau is also the resting place of the King of Dragons, the Divine Dragon, at Mortal Dragon Mt. It is also the resting place of the Fallen Tower of Flanvel, which was the flagship and tomb of The Magician Faust (second in command to the great wingly Dictator Melbu Frahma, during the Dragon Campaign) as well as the vault for the Moon Mirror, Mille Siseau's precious Divine Moon Object. 

Mille Seseau is the birthplace of Dart, Shana, and Meru, who were born in Neet, Deningrad, and the Forest of Winglies, respectively.