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The party arrives in Hoax, and Lavitz tells the others they need to meet with Kaiser, leader of the Eighth Knighthood. Dart and Shana comment on how the war caused the town's fortified appearance. Lavitz briefly notes the change was unwanted but necessary and then has the party refocus and head into the war room to meet Kaiser.

Lavitz greets Kaiser in the war room, with Kaiser showing concern for Lavitz's unit being wiped out. Lavitz expresses it was his fault but remains optimistic in winning the war while introducing Dart and Shana. Kaiser is excited to see Dart as he heard Dart has rescued Lavitz. Dart asks for the mission briefing, and Kaiser notes the main concern is the Feyrbrand Sandora is said to wield. Lavitz suggests it is unwise to go looking for the dragon without more information, and it is better to prepare defences in Hoax while watching for what Sandora will do next. Dart notes they will have to be fast in detecting the enemy. Kaiser agrees with Dart and Lavitz, so he suggests the two of them stand night watch. He notes it is unwise for Shana to go as well, so Kaiser asks her to cook for the the knights. Shana agrees and excitedly tells Dart he will enjoy the food. Lavitz is hesitant about Shana's cooking. Dart is either hesitant as well or attempts to express willingness to eat her cooking but to ill effect. Either way, Kaiser attempts to diffuse the situation also to ill effect, but ultimately the matter is moved past. Kaiser has Dart and Shana look around Hoax while he continues briefing Lavitz. After Dart and Shana are finished they return to Kaiser, who brings Dart and Lavitz to their guard posts.

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Night falls, and Dart comments it will be easy to tell if the Dragon is approaching since the owls in the forest would stop making noise. Since he can still hear the owls, Dart decides to go get food. Lavitz asks Dart if he's checking on Shana, which Dart denies. Lavitz tells Dart to return quickly, but while going down the stairs, Dart hears the owls scatter and realizes the enemy has arrived. Arrows fly from the rear of Hoax, causing some casualties. Kaiser orders his men to defend the gate where enemy soldiers have broken in. Dart and Lavitz fight the soldiers there, too. Afterwards, an elite soldier of Sandora lands on the top of the gate, and Dart goes up to face the elite. Lavitz joins Dart after defeating the remaining soldiers below, and they fight the elite soldier together.

After defeating the elite soldier, Dart and Lavitz are shocked to see a Giganto, a giant human-like warrior, appear below. Lavitz tells Dart no one could stand up to the Giganto so far. Dart is unfettered, saying the Giganto is no dragon. Despite this, after fighting the Giganto, Dart finds himself fallen at his feet. The Giganto is about to swing his axe to finish Dart. However, a dark armored, winged-knight flies in to stop the killing blow with her sword. She tells Dart to "wake up", calling a him a Dragoon. Dart's memento of his father then starts to shine brightly as Dart shouts and a dragon wing-shaped fire blast launches from him into the Giganto. Lavitz watches, mouth agape as the Giganto gets launched across the gate area. A stunned Lavitz turns to Dart and sees Dart is now wearing a red armor similar to the woman who saved him. The woman lands without the armor to reveal she is Rose, who saved Dart from the dragon earlier.

After seeing Dart's transformation and the arrival of Rose, the remaining Sandoran forces retreat. Lavitz and Dart wonder what happened to Dart, and Rose simply tells them a dragoon was born. As she says this, the Giganto who was knocked down, Kongol, sits up to the slight surprise of Rose. Kongol tells the party he will get revenge on them and then retreats. Shana runs out from headquarters to see Dart, who reverts back to normal upon seeing Shana safe. Dart then collapses, with Shana and Lavitz shouting there concern over him.

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Main article: Goods

Name Acquisition Image
Red-Eye DS Successful defense of Hoax (Image)
Dark DS Successful defense of Hoax (Image)


Main article: Stardust

Location Image
War room; left of Kaiser. (Image)
Upper left house, in the basement fireplace. (Image)

Treasure Chests

Main article: Treasure Chests

There are 3 treasure chests in this area.

Contents Acquisition Image
20 Gold X Image
Healing Potion X Image
Angel's Prayer X Image


Single Battle

Name Exp. Gold Drops
Sandora Soldier 25 30 Healing Potion (50%)
Sandora Soldier 25 30 Healing Potion (50%)



  1. Hoax is one of few locations in the game whose scenery changes for day and night time, seen via a change in the pre-rendered background and the lighting. It is also the only location to have a different set of visuals for day, night, and a damaged state. Other day/night locations: Fletz, Ulara.
  2. On the game disc is an unused battleground scene based in Hoax. It depicts the town in an undamaged state during daytime.
