Hellena Prison: Difference between revisions

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(1) SYNOPSIS: add link for "imperial sandora;" 2) COMBAT: i) remove senior warden from MINOR MOBS, ii) update BATTLE FORMATION table)
(34 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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{{Infobox_Location|Name=Hellena Prison|Image=|Save=Yes|Rest=No|Shops=Item Shop|Goods=Key to Prison Tower|Stardust=None|Treasure=8 on first<br>visit, 12 on second visit.|Mobs=Yes|Boss=[[Fruegel]]}}
{{Infobox_Location|Name=Hellena Prison|Image=|Save=Yes|Rest=No|Shops=Item Shop|Goods=Key to Prison Tower|Stardust=None|Treasure=8 (first visit), <br>12 (second visit)|Mobs=Yes|Boss=[[Fruegel]]}}

'''Hellena Prison''' is an island prison on the southern coast of [[Serdio]]. A single drawbridge is the only way in and out. It's built into a large, crooked stone, with black smoke rising from several points. Guards patrol nearly every room, attacking intruders without hesitation. Their leader, [[Fruegel]], is a man who greatly abuses his power. Under his rule, the prison's reputation is one of cruelty, where prisoners who go in, never come back out.

== Story ==
After making his way through the [[Forest]], Dart arrives at the Hellena Prison path. The path to the prison is incredibly narrow and likely, heavily guarded. With only a single drawbridge available, Dart must conceptualize a plan. Fortunately, a merchant's caravan arrives shortly after him. Dart tails the caravan and hides behind the merchandise.

Meanwhile, The Merchant converses with the guard explaining that his wares include "meat and fish." The Merchant then questions if there's any particular reason that there has been an increase in orders. He quickly dismisses the topic after the guard's hostility, who inspects the cargo. Thankfully, Dart remains undetected, hitches a ride, and travels across the drawbridge and into Hellena Prison.  
|Synopsis='''Hellena Prison''' is a prison island on the southernmost coast of [[Serdio]], under the direct command of [[Imperial Sandora]]. Isolated from land by a narrow drawbridge, the dark, stone prison resembles a skull with torch light and black smoke rising from its windows. Guards patrol every walkway and room, ready to attack intruders without hesitation. [[Fruegel]], the prison warden, is a cruel giant of a man who greatly abuses his powers and works in league with Imperial Sandora under his Majesty Doel's rule. The prison has become renown for brutality and the inhumane treatment of its captives as those who are taken there are never released.  
<br><span class="mw-customtoggle-myDivision">'''Read More'''</span>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-myDivision">

After safely entering Hellena Prison, the same Merchant discovers Dart, who calls out in fear and quickly is followed up by a guard. A fight ensues. Dart assures the Merchant that he is not there to hurt (kill) him, and then the Merchant swears to secrecy. Dart leaves and arrives on the ground floor littered with guards and the occasional steed. The prison has corridors to many, equally guarded rooms.

Dart ascends the prison through the means of a pully elevator system, located outside of the prison cells. The levels are tall and winding built of wood and into the stone. Small fires scatter throughout this external area, typically before a doorway and on each floor. When traveling to and into the first floor cells, there is the guards' immediate alarm. Thankfully, they are not after Dart. Two guards are harassing their newfound prisoners, knights of [[Basil]], taunting them and eluding that they will soon be fed to Freugel's monster. A fight breaks out as a prisoner attempts to escape, but they are interrupted before the guard can retaliate. A mysterious man in green draws his spear against the Hellena guard. Unfortunately, the other throws the prisoners off the floor and to their deaths.  
A winged beast glides overhead the ghastly prison. After making his way through the [[Forest]], Dart arrives at a pathway leading to [[Hellena Prison]]. In hesitation, he looks down the narrow path leading to a single drawbridge, where he would surely be exposed on all sides. As he thinks of a plan to infiltrate the prison, a merchant's caravan arrives and heads straight for the gate. Dart decides to tail the caravan with the hopes of sneaking in unnoticed.  

Dart rushes over and discovers the character, [[Lavitz Slambert]], the head of the first knighthood in the kingdom of [[Basil]]. Together they defeat the guards before turning on each other. Spear clashes with sword as they begin to fight, to which after exclaiming that Dart is "not the enemy," a proper introduction continues... until the arrival of more guards. Dart and Lavitz fight together. After, they share their reasons for coming to Hellena prison, explicitly that Dart is looking for his captured childhood friend [[Shana]]. Lavitz joins Dart exclaiming the Hellena is challenging to escape alone, insisting it would be in both of their favor to travel together.  
At the gate, the merchant declares his cargo of meat and fish to the [[Hellena Warden]] guarding the entry. He inquires about the recent increase in shipments but is rebuked by the warden who begins his inspection. Meanwhile, Dart dashes to the opposite side of the caravan, staying out of sight until the delivery is approved for entry. The drawbridge lowers, the warden returns to his post and Dart dives into the back of the caravan heading into the prison.  

They travel together, ascending the prison until the newfound duo comes across a large room on the second floor. Climbing a flight of stairs, they come across a large room with heavily guarded pathways consisting of 3-4 guards. A small, additional flight of stairs is to the back of the room. One of the only accessible areas, Dart travels up the stairs and discovers the key to Shana's cell on a nearby crate. Both Dart and Lavitz began to question their situation. What is it only Shana imprisoned?...what was/is so special about her?

As they return towards the previously locked cell doors, a group of guards catches them. After the battle, Shana hears the commotion and recognizes Dart's voice. Dart enters the cell, with Lavitz maintaining guard. Shana is happy to see Dart, and they reconcile briefly, their first meeting in five years. After, Shana and Dart leave the cell and rejoin with Lavitz. Outside more guards have arrived.  
Upon entering the prison, Dart jumps out of the caravan, startling the merchant who raises the alarm. Immediately, a warden arrives to detain the intruder and a fight ensues. Making short work of the guard, Dart reassures the merchant of his safety, who in turn swears to secrecy and offers to sell him items. Security is tight in the prison as wardens patrol the grounds in rhythmic patterns. Leaving the storeroom, Dart sneaks past the guards up a stairwell to reach the second floor. Crossing a wooden bridge, Dart arrives outside the barracks where he finds yet another elevator taking him to the first prison tower. Once inside, he continues down the torchlit hallway built of the same shoddy wood planks and bricks as the rest of the prison. Searching from cell to cell, he stumbles upon a couple of wardens harassing their new detainees, two Knights of [[Basil]] who have recently been captured as prisoners of war. They continue to taunt and ridicule their doomed captives, promising a horrific death by being fed to [[Jiango|Fruegel's monster]].  

After the battle, Dart is worried about Shana and tenders to her carefully. Shana is particularly concerned that she is no longer a young girl and insists that she can fight for herself. Shana draws a bow that was resting outside a nearby cell. Lavitz is impressed that both she and Dart survived in Hellena, but Dart is still a bit distraught, feeling that this Shana is unchanged from his memories despite the changes from distance and time.  
Nearby, a fight breaks out as another prisoner attempts to escape. Plunging in from an adjacent hallway, a skilled spearman in green and silver uniform swoops in to defend the knights, ordering them to escape back to the castle. Unfortunately, prison back up arrives and the escaping knights are dispatched off the floor to fall to their deaths. Dart joins forces with the honourable knight, who introduces himself as [[Lavitz]], the Head of the First Knighthood in the Kingdom of Basil. After fending off the guards together, Lavitz turns on Dart, spear clashing with sword. Defending himself, Dart explains that he is not the enemy. They continue to fight off another wave of guards before catching their breath and discussing how each came to be at the infamous prison. Dart explains his dire need to rescue [[Shana]] and Lavitz, impressed with his audacious mission and combat skills, insists that they work together to escape, of course, after rescuing the imprisoned woman.  

Meanwhile, Freugel has been alerted of their escape, including: the Basil night, a "red guy" intruder ( our beloved Dart), and Shana. In his anger, Freugel throws one of his men from the skyline bridge. Freugel barks to the other guard to recapture the girl, alive, as explicitly ordered by [[Majesty Doel]].
As a team, they search the prison cells and gather news of a young girl from [[Seles]] confined with a high level of security in another tower. Arriving at a locked door to the second prison tower, Dart and Lavitz carefully search a nearby corridor for the key. They slip past a dozen wardens to reach a stairwell leading to a series of rickety wooden bridges. Upon a wooden crate, sparkles the [[Prison Key]] to Shana's cell. Returning to the second prison tower, the two fugitives cause a commotion, which catches Shana's attention from a nearby cell. With Lavitz keeping watch, Dart can finally rejoice to see his dearest friend, whom he cherishes like a sister. Shana asks to see his face and notices how strong he has grown during their time apart. After taking a final look about at her cell, Shana follows Dart into the hallway where now more guards are waiting for them. After fiercely defending Shana, Dart promises that he will always protect her. Shana walks over to a brick wall to pick up a bow and arrow, drawing the string taut to demonstrate that she, too, can help fight. Impressed with their fortitude to survive this nightmarish prison, Lavitz commends the two of them for their strength and determination.  

Together, the group returns to the first floor but is met by the Warden Fruegal, who eludes that he will defeat them and feed the men to his pet. The evil warden is sure to include that although capturing Shana was an order from Majesty Doel, because the task was so trivial, destroying Seles was an additional command from Fruegel himself. Dart lashes out in anger. Together, Shana, Dart, and Lavitz envoke on a battle against Fruegal. Fruegal does not die, but this allows the party to escape the prison opportunistically and flee to the [[Prairie]] by horseback. Fruegel's men are hot on their tail.  
Meanwhile, Fruegel has been alerted of the girl's liberation by a knight of Basil and a man in red armour. Furiously, Fruegel throws one of his men from the skyline bridge into the hellish depths. Barking to another guard, Fruegel demands that she be detained, alive as was explicitly ordered by his Majesty [[Doel]].  

After their escape, Fruegal, the [[Hooded Man]] men mysteriously witnesses his failure. The Hooded Man demands Fruegel to mend his mistakes; otherwise, he will tell Majesty Doel. After, the hooded men confidently retorts that all is going to plan.  
Dart and party return to the ground floor of the prison to finally escape but they are intercepted by the head warden, Fruegel. Fiendishly, he promises to feed them to his pet before disclosing that capturing Shana was a paltry order from his Majesty Doel. Since the task was so trivial, he ordered that Seles be razed to the ground for his own wicked delight. Lashing out in anger, Dart begins the battle, which ends with a defeated Fruegel living to see another day. In swift haste, the party flees the prison on horseback, hoping to never return.

When they reach the [[Forest]], Dart notices that soldiers have been stationed there. With Fruegel's men in hot pursuit, the party is forced to head to the [[Prairie]].

=== Revisited ===
Meanwhile, back at the prison, the mysterious [[Hooded Man]] enrobed in black reprimands the warden for his failure to contain the girl. He demands of Fruegel to correct his folly, lest he inform the Emperor of the head warden's misconduct. Reassuringly, the Hooded man claims that the mistake is not dire and that all is going according to plan.

<br><span class="mw-customtoggle-myDivision">'''Collapse story content'''</span></div>
===== Revisited =====

== Services ==
As the party leaves [[Lohan]], a wounded Knight of Basil limps into town, mortally grateful to find Lavitz. He reports that Imperial Sandora launched a surprise attack on Bale and has taken the King as captive. Overcome with concern for [[Albert|King Albert]], Lavitz loses self-control and is subdued by the martial arts master, [[Haschel]], the third place winner of the Hero Competition. When Lavitz regains consciousness, Haschel returns from his scouting mission to report that Bale is under occupation and that Lavitz is the only hope for both king and country. In exchange for the safety of his people, King Albert was willingly taken to Hellena Prison. With renewed hope, Dart and party return to Hellena Prison, only this time with new party members and Dragoon spirits.
Upon arrival at the prison, the party nearly misses the drawbridge being raised for another supplies delivery. Valiantly, Lavitz scales the rising bridge and overcomes the guards. With the drawbridge lowered once again, the team is free to infiltrate the prison and search for King Albert.
Meanwhile, on the prison rooftop, Fruegel delights in the coming of dawn as he promises his captive, King Albert, that he may see the sun once more before his impending execution. Honourably, King Albert refuses to be baited by him, claiming that he has no means to speak with vulgar men. When Fruegel reveals the trap set for Dart and party, King Albert is shocked by the villainy of both Fruegel himself and Lord Doel. A warden arrives to announce that Lavitz and the red one, Dart, have arrived on scene but that they will never reach the top floor alive.
Dart and party find themselves in the storeroom once more with the same merchant as before, who is still willing to quietly cooperate and sell them items. After navigating an intricate system of elevators, doors and rope ladders, the party reaches the skybridge and follows the path to the second floor corridor where the [[Prison Key]] was found during the first visit. Full of arrogance and scorn, the wardens jeer at the party before releasing the trap door. They fall into a dusty prison chamber with skeletons and bones strewn about. Shana notices a draft from behind a massive boulder when the party hears the growling of Fruegel's infamous pet, [[Jiango]]. After overcoming the hideous beast, the party realizes that the boulder blocking the path has been crushed and they can now escape. Ascending the stairs, they return to the second floor corridor and head left to ascend another flight of stairs to reach the rooftop.
Meanwhile, Fruegel announces sunrise with a sickening glee. He mocks King Albert's wish for peace by promising him an end to the war achieved with his own execution. Although knowingly defying Lord Doel and the silver haired one, Fruegel intends to follow through with his death threat until Shana looses an arrow and the party arrives to rescue King Albert. After the party defeats his pet beasts, [[Rodriguez]] and [[Guftas]], Lavitz lands the finishing blow to finally vanquish the nefarious Fruegel.
Suddenly, the [[Hooded One]] appears and taking King Albert hostage, he stabs his thieving hand into the King's back and reveals the [[Moon Gem]]. Fearlessly, Lavitz transforms into the Jade Dragoon and nosedives into the Hooded One, who instantly brandishes a formidable, [[Dragon Buster|magical blade]] and slays Lavitz in his place. His hood falls away to reveal [[Lloyd]], the first place winner of the Hero Competition in Lohan. With haste, Lloyd makes his escape, leaving behind a gruesome scene. As brave Lavitz lays dying, he entrusts the protection of King Albert to Dart before ultimately perishing. King Albert grimaces when the life leaves Lavitz's body and Shana winces, turning away toward Rose. The Jade Dragoon spirit once again flies into the air from its lost host only to sink down gently before King Albert, the next Jade Dragoon. In agony, Dart screams Lavitz's name into the heavens.
<!--Synopsis: including save point and rest area if any. Below this will be the tables for shops, if any. If any save point, rest area or shop is temporary, list it as such.-->
<!--Synopsis: including save point and rest area if any. Below this will be the tables for shops, if any. If any save point, rest area or shop is temporary, list it as such.-->

=== Shops ===
'''First Visit'''
'''First Visit'''
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable mw-collapsible"
! Cost !! Name
! Cost !! Name
| 10 || [[Healing Potion]]
{{!}} 10 {{!}}{{!}} [[Items#healingpotion|Healing Potion]]
| 30 || [[Angel's Prayer]]
{{!}} 30 {{!}}{{!}} [[Items#angelsprayer|Angel's Prayer]]
| 10 || [[Spark Net]]
{{!}} 10 {{!}}{{!}} [[Items#sparknet|Spark Net]]

'''Second Visit'''
'''Second Visit'''
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable mw-collapsible"
! Cost !! Name
! Cost !! Name
| 10 || [[Healing Potion]]
{{!}} 10 {{!}}{{!}} [[Items#healingpotion|Healing Potion]]
| 50 || [[Sun Rhapsody]]
{{!}} 50 {{!}}{{!}} [[Items#sunrhapsody|Sun Rhapsody]]
| 30 || [[Angel's Prayer]]
{{!}} 30 {{!}}{{!}} [[Items#angelsprayer|Angel's Prayer]]
| 20 || [[Mind Purifier]]
{{!}} 20 {{!}}{{!}} [[Items#mindpurifier|Mind Purifier]]
| 20 || [[Midnight Terror]]
{{!}} 20 {{!}}{{!}} [[Items#midnightterror|Midnight Terror]]
| 20 || [[Thunderbolt]]
{{!}} 20 {{!}}{{!}} [[Items#thunderbolt|Thunderbolt]]

== Collectibles ==
<!--Synopsis: 1-2 sentences covering the presence of stardust, goods, and noteworthy treasure pickups in this area. Also: total gold, as well as total chest count for this area.-->

=== Goods ===
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable mw-collapsible" style{{=}}"width: 700px;"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
! Name !! Location !! Image
! Name !! Location !! Image
| Prison Key || Key to the second prison tower where Shana is held. || (Image)
{{!}} [[Goods#prisonkey|Prison Key]] {{!}}{{!}} From the first prison tower, take the elevator up and head left to cross the bridge. Avoiding the guards, take the stairs leading to the wooden bridges to the flicker on the wooden crates.{{!}}{{!}} (Image)
|Stardust=There is no Stardust in this location.

=== Treasure Chests ===
{{Main|Treasure Chests}}
Note: Chests available during the first visit to Hellena Prison remain accessible upon returning for the second visit; however, all chests will be permanently inaccessible after the second visit.

'''First Visit'''
'''First Visit'''
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable mw-collapsible" style{{=}}"width: 700px;"
! Contents !! Location !! Image
! Contents !! Location !! Image
| [[Burn Out]] || Example || [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest1.png|thumb]]
{{!}} [[Items#burnout|Burn Out]] {{!}}{{!}} From the storeroom with the merchant, take the top left exit and follow the path. {{!}}{{!}} [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest1.png|thumb]]
| [[Angel's Prayer]] || Example || [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest2.png|thumb]]
{{!}} [[Items#angelsprayer|Angel's Prayer]] {{!}}{{!}} Head up to level two of the prison and just beyond the first elevator, enter the barracks to find this chest in the upper left area of the room near the beds. {{!}}{{!}} [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest2.png|thumb]]
| [[Leather Jacket]] || Example || [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest3.png|thumb]]
{{!}} [[Leather Jacket]] {{!}}{{!}} In the barracks: continue left beyond the first chest {{!}}{{!}} [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest3.png|thumb]]
| 50 G || Example || [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest4.png|thumb]]
{{!}} 50 G {{!}}{{!}} In the barracks: central kitchen area{{!}}{{!}} [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest4.png|thumb]]
| [[Spark Net]] || Example || [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest5.png|thumb]]
{{!}} [[Items#sparknet|Spark Net]] {{!}}{{!}} First prison tower: inside a cell{{!}}{{!}} [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest5.png|thumb]]
| 20 G || Example || [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest6.png|thumb]]
{{!}} 20 G {{!}}{{!}} First prison tower: inside a cell{{!}}{{!}} [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest6.png|thumb]]
| 20 G || Example || [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest7.png|thumb]]
{{!}} 20 G {{!}}{{!}} Second prison tower: inside a cell {{!}}{{!}} [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest7.png|thumb]]
| 20 G || Example || [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest8.png|thumb]]
{{!}} 20 G {{!}}{{!}} Second prison tower: inside a cell{{!}}{{!}} [[file:Area3(Hellena1)Chest8.png|thumb]]
'''Second Visit'''
'''Second Visit'''
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable mw-collapsible" style{{=}}"width: 700px;"
! Contents !! Location
! Contents !! Location !! Image
| [[Felt Hat]] || Example
{{!}} [[Felt Hat]] {{!}}{{!}} Take the elevator that was previously out of order to get to the next screen. Get off and enter the door. Then, head right to jump over the pit and enter that door.{{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest1.png|thumb]]
| [[Therapy Ring]] || Example
{{!}} [[Therapy Ring]] {{!}}{{!}} Continue past the previous chest following the path. {{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest2.png|thumb]]
| [[Leather Armor]] || Example
{{!}} [[Leather Armor]] {{!}}{{!}} Get off the elevator and take the rope ladder. {{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest3.png|thumb]]
| [[Pandemonium]] || Example
{{!}} [[Thunderbolt]] {{!}}{{!}} Through the door from the elevator, take the door on your left and follow the path.{{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest5.png|thumb]]
| [[Thunderbolt]] || Example
{{!}} [[Silver Vest]] {{!}}{{!}} From the previous chest, instead of taking the elevator slide down the rope to your right.{{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest6.png|thumb]]
| [[Silver Embroidered Vest]] || Example
{{!}} [[Repeat_Items|Pandemonium]] {{!}}{{!}} Instead of the right door, take the far left door and follow the path.{{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest4.png|thumb]]
| [[Healing Potion]] || Example
{{!}} [[Healing Potion]] {{!}}{{!}} Return to the main elevator and head up to the skybridge. Take the path on the left.{{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest7.png|thumb]]
| [[Sachet]] || Example
{{!}} [[Sachet]] {{!}}{{!}} Fall into Jiango's lair and head to the top of the room.{{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest8.png|thumb]]
| [[Healing Potion]] || Example
{{!}} [[Healing Potion]] {{!}}{{!}} After defeating Jiango, continue on the path.{{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest9.png|thumb]]
| [[Broad Sword]] || Example
{{!}} [[Broad Sword]] {{!}}{{!}} On the roof, near the Save Point: top{{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest10.png|thumb]]
| [[Spear]] || Example
{{!}} [[Spear]] {{!}}{{!}} On the roof, near the Save Point: left{{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest11.png|thumb]]
| 20 G || Example
{{!}} 20 G{{!}}{{!}}On the roof, near the Save Point: bottom{{!}}{{!}} [[File:Area13(Hellena2)Chest12.png|thumb]]

== Combat ==
<!--Synopsis: Include encounter type: contact, run distance, scripted, etc. Also: relative encounter frequency if data is available or can be estimated, some of which is in the JP guidebook.-->

=== Minor Mobs ===
'''First Visit'''
'''First Visit'''
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable mw-collapsible" style{{=}}"width: 700px;"
! Name !! Exp. !! Gold !! Drops
! Name !! Element !!  Exp. !! Gold !! Drops
| [[Hellena Warden]] || 6 || 9 || None (verify)
{{!}} [[Hellena Warden]] {{!}}{{!}} Fire {{!}}{{!}}  6 {{!}}{{!}} 9 {{!}}{{!}}
| [[Senior Warden]] || 0 || 0 || [[Healing Potion]] (100%)

'''Second Visit'''
'''Second Visit'''
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable mw-collapsible" style{{=}}"width: 700px;"
! Name !! Exp. !! Gold !! Drops
! Name !! Element !! Exp. !! Gold !! Drops
| [[Hellena Warden]] || 20 || 15 || [[Morning Star]] (2%)
{{!}} [[Hellena Warden]] {{!}}{{!}} Fire {{!}}{{!}} 20 {{!}}{{!}} 15 {{!}}{{!}} [[Morning Star]] (2%)
| [[Senior Warden]] || 24 || 18 || [[Spear]] (2%)
{{!}} [[Senior Warden]] {{!}}{{!}} Fire {{!}}{{!}}  24 {{!}}{{!}} 18 {{!}}{{!}} [[Spear]] (2%)
| [[Fowl Fighter]] || 16 || 9 || [[Mind Purifier]] (8%)
{{!}} [[Fowl Fighter]] {{!}}{{!}} Fire {{!}}{{!}}  16 {{!}}{{!}} 9 {{!}}{{!}} [[Items#mindpurifier|Mind Purifier]] (8%)
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable" style{{=}}"display: inline-table;"
{{!}} Hellena Warden
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable" style{{=}}"display: inline-table;"
{{!}} Hellena Warden {{!}}{{!}} Hellena Warden
{{!}} Hellena Warden {{!}}{{!}} Senior Warden
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable" style{{=}}"display: inline-table;"
{{!}} Hellena Warden {{!}}{{!}} Hellena Warden {{!}}{{!}} Hellena Warden
{{!}} Hellena Warden {{!}}{{!}} Fowl Fighter {{!}}{{!}} Fowl Fighter

==== Battle Formations ====
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
! Unit A !! Unit B !! Unit C
| Hellena Warden || Hellena Warden || Hellena Warden
| Example || Example || Example
| Example || Example || Example
| Example || Example || Example

=== Bosses ===
<!--Leave blank for now; need to design mini-table for bosses.-->
{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable mw-collapsible" style{{=}}"width: 700px;"
! Name !! Element !! HP !! EXP !! Gold !! Drops
{{!}} [[Fruegel]] (1st Visit) {{!}}{{!}} Earth {{!}}{{!}} 90 {{!}}{{!}} 300 {{!}}{{!}} 50 {{!}}{{!}}[[Knight Shield]] (100%)
{{!}} [[Jiango]] (2nd Visit) {{!}}{{!}} Earth {{!}}{{!}} 1280 {{!}}{{!}} 2000 {{!}}{{!}} 100 {{!}}{{!}}[[Sachet]] (100%)
{{!}} [[Fruegel]] (2nd Visit) {{!}}{{!}} Earth {{!}}{{!}} 1000 {{!}}{{!}} 2000 {{!}}{{!}} 200 {{!}}{{!}}[[Gravity Grabber]] (100%)

= Trivia =

# This is the first location that uses physical contact to trigger encounter battles.

= Gallery =
<!-- Leave blank for now. -->

[[Category:Locations]][[Category:Disc 1]][[Category:Missing Information]]
[[Category:Locations]][[Category:Disc 1]][[Category:Missing Information]]

Latest revision as of 01:41, 16 October 2024

Hellena Prison

Hellena Prison is a prison island on the southernmost coast of Serdio, under the direct command of Imperial Sandora. Isolated from land by a narrow drawbridge, the dark, stone prison resembles a skull with torch light and black smoke rising from its windows. Guards patrol every walkway and room, ready to attack intruders without hesitation. Fruegel, the prison warden, is a cruel giant of a man who greatly abuses his powers and works in league with Imperial Sandora under his Majesty Doel's rule. The prison has become renown for brutality and the inhumane treatment of its captives as those who are taken there are never released.


A winged beast glides overhead the ghastly prison. After making his way through the Forest, Dart arrives at a pathway leading to Hellena Prison. In hesitation, he looks down the narrow path leading to a single drawbridge, where he would surely be exposed on all sides. As he thinks of a plan to infiltrate the prison, a merchant's caravan arrives and heads straight for the gate. Dart decides to tail the caravan with the hopes of sneaking in unnoticed.

At the gate, the merchant declares his cargo of meat and fish to the Hellena Warden guarding the entry. He inquires about the recent increase in shipments but is rebuked by the warden who begins his inspection. Meanwhile, Dart dashes to the opposite side of the caravan, staying out of sight until the delivery is approved for entry. The drawbridge lowers, the warden returns to his post and Dart dives into the back of the caravan heading into the prison.
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Upon entering the prison, Dart jumps out of the caravan, startling the merchant who raises the alarm. Immediately, a warden arrives to detain the intruder and a fight ensues. Making short work of the guard, Dart reassures the merchant of his safety, who in turn swears to secrecy and offers to sell him items. Security is tight in the prison as wardens patrol the grounds in rhythmic patterns. Leaving the storeroom, Dart sneaks past the guards up a stairwell to reach the second floor. Crossing a wooden bridge, Dart arrives outside the barracks where he finds yet another elevator taking him to the first prison tower. Once inside, he continues down the torchlit hallway built of the same shoddy wood planks and bricks as the rest of the prison. Searching from cell to cell, he stumbles upon a couple of wardens harassing their new detainees, two Knights of Basil who have recently been captured as prisoners of war. They continue to taunt and ridicule their doomed captives, promising a horrific death by being fed to Fruegel's monster.

Nearby, a fight breaks out as another prisoner attempts to escape. Plunging in from an adjacent hallway, a skilled spearman in green and silver uniform swoops in to defend the knights, ordering them to escape back to the castle. Unfortunately, prison back up arrives and the escaping knights are dispatched off the floor to fall to their deaths. Dart joins forces with the honourable knight, who introduces himself as Lavitz, the Head of the First Knighthood in the Kingdom of Basil. After fending off the guards together, Lavitz turns on Dart, spear clashing with sword. Defending himself, Dart explains that he is not the enemy. They continue to fight off another wave of guards before catching their breath and discussing how each came to be at the infamous prison. Dart explains his dire need to rescue Shana and Lavitz, impressed with his audacious mission and combat skills, insists that they work together to escape, of course, after rescuing the imprisoned woman.

As a team, they search the prison cells and gather news of a young girl from Seles confined with a high level of security in another tower. Arriving at a locked door to the second prison tower, Dart and Lavitz carefully search a nearby corridor for the key. They slip past a dozen wardens to reach a stairwell leading to a series of rickety wooden bridges. Upon a wooden crate, sparkles the Prison Key to Shana's cell. Returning to the second prison tower, the two fugitives cause a commotion, which catches Shana's attention from a nearby cell. With Lavitz keeping watch, Dart can finally rejoice to see his dearest friend, whom he cherishes like a sister. Shana asks to see his face and notices how strong he has grown during their time apart. After taking a final look about at her cell, Shana follows Dart into the hallway where now more guards are waiting for them. After fiercely defending Shana, Dart promises that he will always protect her. Shana walks over to a brick wall to pick up a bow and arrow, drawing the string taut to demonstrate that she, too, can help fight. Impressed with their fortitude to survive this nightmarish prison, Lavitz commends the two of them for their strength and determination.

Meanwhile, Fruegel has been alerted of the girl's liberation by a knight of Basil and a man in red armour. Furiously, Fruegel throws one of his men from the skyline bridge into the hellish depths. Barking to another guard, Fruegel demands that she be detained, alive as was explicitly ordered by his Majesty Doel.

Dart and party return to the ground floor of the prison to finally escape but they are intercepted by the head warden, Fruegel. Fiendishly, he promises to feed them to his pet before disclosing that capturing Shana was a paltry order from his Majesty Doel. Since the task was so trivial, he ordered that Seles be razed to the ground for his own wicked delight. Lashing out in anger, Dart begins the battle, which ends with a defeated Fruegel living to see another day. In swift haste, the party flees the prison on horseback, hoping to never return.

When they reach the Forest, Dart notices that soldiers have been stationed there. With Fruegel's men in hot pursuit, the party is forced to head to the Prairie.

Meanwhile, back at the prison, the mysterious Hooded Man enrobed in black reprimands the warden for his failure to contain the girl. He demands of Fruegel to correct his folly, lest he inform the Emperor of the head warden's misconduct. Reassuringly, the Hooded man claims that the mistake is not dire and that all is going according to plan.


As the party leaves Lohan, a wounded Knight of Basil limps into town, mortally grateful to find Lavitz. He reports that Imperial Sandora launched a surprise attack on Bale and has taken the King as captive. Overcome with concern for King Albert, Lavitz loses self-control and is subdued by the martial arts master, Haschel, the third place winner of the Hero Competition. When Lavitz regains consciousness, Haschel returns from his scouting mission to report that Bale is under occupation and that Lavitz is the only hope for both king and country. In exchange for the safety of his people, King Albert was willingly taken to Hellena Prison. With renewed hope, Dart and party return to Hellena Prison, only this time with new party members and Dragoon spirits.

Upon arrival at the prison, the party nearly misses the drawbridge being raised for another supplies delivery. Valiantly, Lavitz scales the rising bridge and overcomes the guards. With the drawbridge lowered once again, the team is free to infiltrate the prison and search for King Albert.

Meanwhile, on the prison rooftop, Fruegel delights in the coming of dawn as he promises his captive, King Albert, that he may see the sun once more before his impending execution. Honourably, King Albert refuses to be baited by him, claiming that he has no means to speak with vulgar men. When Fruegel reveals the trap set for Dart and party, King Albert is shocked by the villainy of both Fruegel himself and Lord Doel. A warden arrives to announce that Lavitz and the red one, Dart, have arrived on scene but that they will never reach the top floor alive.

Dart and party find themselves in the storeroom once more with the same merchant as before, who is still willing to quietly cooperate and sell them items. After navigating an intricate system of elevators, doors and rope ladders, the party reaches the skybridge and follows the path to the second floor corridor where the Prison Key was found during the first visit. Full of arrogance and scorn, the wardens jeer at the party before releasing the trap door. They fall into a dusty prison chamber with skeletons and bones strewn about. Shana notices a draft from behind a massive boulder when the party hears the growling of Fruegel's infamous pet, Jiango. After overcoming the hideous beast, the party realizes that the boulder blocking the path has been crushed and they can now escape. Ascending the stairs, they return to the second floor corridor and head left to ascend another flight of stairs to reach the rooftop.

Meanwhile, Fruegel announces sunrise with a sickening glee. He mocks King Albert's wish for peace by promising him an end to the war achieved with his own execution. Although knowingly defying Lord Doel and the silver haired one, Fruegel intends to follow through with his death threat until Shana looses an arrow and the party arrives to rescue King Albert. After the party defeats his pet beasts, Rodriguez and Guftas, Lavitz lands the finishing blow to finally vanquish the nefarious Fruegel.

Suddenly, the Hooded One appears and taking King Albert hostage, he stabs his thieving hand into the King's back and reveals the Moon Gem. Fearlessly, Lavitz transforms into the Jade Dragoon and nosedives into the Hooded One, who instantly brandishes a formidable, magical blade and slays Lavitz in his place. His hood falls away to reveal Lloyd, the first place winner of the Hero Competition in Lohan. With haste, Lloyd makes his escape, leaving behind a gruesome scene. As brave Lavitz lays dying, he entrusts the protection of King Albert to Dart before ultimately perishing. King Albert grimaces when the life leaves Lavitz's body and Shana winces, turning away toward Rose. The Jade Dragoon spirit once again flies into the air from its lost host only to sink down gently before King Albert, the next Jade Dragoon. In agony, Dart screams Lavitz's name into the heavens.

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First Visit

Cost Name
10 Healing Potion
30 Angel's Prayer
10 Spark Net

Second Visit

Cost Name
10 Healing Potion
50 Sun Rhapsody
30 Angel's Prayer
20 Mind Purifier
20 Midnight Terror
20 Thunderbolt



Main article: Goods

Name Location Image
Prison Key From the first prison tower, take the elevator up and head left to cross the bridge. Avoiding the guards, take the stairs leading to the wooden bridges to the flicker on the wooden crates. (Image)


Main article: Stardust

There is no Stardust in this location.

Treasure Chests

Main article: Treasure Chests

There are 20 treasure chests in this area.

Note: Chests available during the first visit to Hellena Prison remain accessible upon returning for the second visit; however, all chests will be permanently inaccessible after the second visit.

First Visit

Contents Location Image
Burn Out From the storeroom with the merchant, take the top left exit and follow the path.
Angel's Prayer Head up to level two of the prison and just beyond the first elevator, enter the barracks to find this chest in the upper left area of the room near the beds.
Leather Jacket In the barracks: continue left beyond the first chest
50 G In the barracks: central kitchen area
Spark Net First prison tower: inside a cell
20 G First prison tower: inside a cell
20 G Second prison tower: inside a cell
20 G Second prison tower: inside a cell

Second Visit

Contents Location Image
Felt Hat Take the elevator that was previously out of order to get to the next screen. Get off and enter the door. Then, head right to jump over the pit and enter that door.
Therapy Ring Continue past the previous chest following the path.
Leather Armor Get off the elevator and take the rope ladder.
Thunderbolt Through the door from the elevator, take the door on your left and follow the path.
Silver Vest From the previous chest, instead of taking the elevator slide down the rope to your right.
Pandemonium Instead of the right door, take the far left door and follow the path.
Healing Potion Return to the main elevator and head up to the skybridge. Take the path on the left.
Sachet Fall into Jiango's lair and head to the top of the room.
Healing Potion After defeating Jiango, continue on the path.
Broad Sword On the roof, near the Save Point: top
Spear On the roof, near the Save Point: left
20 G On the roof, near the Save Point: bottom


Minor Mobs

First Visit

Name Element Exp. Gold Drops
Hellena Warden Fire 6 9

Second Visit

Name Element Exp. Gold Drops
Hellena Warden Fire 20 15 Morning Star (2%)
Senior Warden Fire 24 18 Spear (2%)
Fowl Fighter Fire 16 9 Mind Purifier (8%)

Battle Formations

Hellena Warden
Hellena Warden Hellena Warden
Hellena Warden Senior Warden
Hellena Warden Hellena Warden Hellena Warden
Hellena Warden Fowl Fighter Fowl Fighter


Name Element HP EXP Gold Drops
Fruegel (1st Visit) Earth 90 300 50 Knight Shield (100%)
Jiango (2nd Visit) Earth 1280 2000 100 Sachet (100%)
Fruegel (2nd Visit) Earth 1000 2000 200 Gravity Grabber (100%)



  1. This is the first location that uses physical contact to trigger encounter battles.
