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King Albert
King Albert
Age: 26
Height: 175cm / 5'9"
Species: Human
Element: Wind
Voice Artist: David Babich

Albert is the king of Serdio and is first introduced in the town of Basil. He is a scholarly king who precures a vast array of knowledge on inhabitants of the dragoon world. Albert is a tall, slender man with golden eyes and hair, pulled into a loose ponytail.


Chapter 1: Serdian War

After the events of Limestone Cave, Dart, Shana, and Lavitz head to Basil to report to King Albert. As Lavitz is a friend from his childhood and his martial teacher, the king is relieved to see Lavitz had survived the destruction of the First Knighthood. For helping his friend, King Albert asks to fulfill a favor for Dart and Shana. Dart requests that Shana be kept at the castle for her safety, as Sandora is hunting her for reasons still unknown to the party. King Albert refuses the request, as his kingdom is at war, the enemy nation has a dragon, and Shana does not wish to stay. Minister Noish then fulfills Dart's second request: information about the Black Monster and the Dragon Campaign. King Albert then advises Shana and Dart to consider their next steps, as they do not have a home to return to during a time of war. King Albert updates Lavitz on the state of the war off screen. After the war meeting, Lavitz collects Dart and Shana, who agree to go to Hoax with Lavitz to defeat the dragon and help end the war. As the party leaves, King Albert contemplates why Shana was taken and who is rumored to be manipulating the leader of Imperial Sandora, Emperor Doel.

The characters learn more about King Albert in Fort Hoax. Midwife Gilda, who had been King Albert's midwife, informs Dart and Shana about the change in the monarchy 20 years ago. The former king, King Carlo, had died, leaving King Albert at 6 to inherit the country. This is when Doel left the kingdom.

After completing the main story quests in Lohan, a critically wounded Knight of Bale enters the town and warns Lavitz that the castle has fallen and that King Albert is being held in Helena Prison. Dart, Shana, Lavitz, Rose, and Haschel rush to the king's rescue. Upon entering Helena Prison, there is a cutscene where King Albert is shown being held captive on the roof of Helena Prison by the cruel head warden, Fruegal. Fruegal threatens that he will kill King Albert at sunrise should The Hooded Man not appear to stop him, as they only need the king's body. King Albert refuses to speak to Fruegal until Fruegal goads him with the idea that anyone who comes to the king's aid will be killed. King Albert then becomes animated, imploring that no one be hurt as those were the terms of which he agreed to submit to capture. Hearing a report that Dart and Lavitz were seen on the prison grounds, Fruegal insists that he will kill King Albert and the rescue party and laughs maniacally, ending the cutscene. The party fight their way to the roof of Hellana Prison by dawn, just as Fruegal is pulling his club back to complete the promised coup de grace. Shana intercepts the blow with an arrow shot, initiating the final battle against the leader of Hellena Prison. The battle over, the party are startled to hear the king cry out in pain. The Hooded Man had entered while the party was distracted and was stealing the Moon Gem that had been sealed inside of the king. Lavitz approaches to intercept, but is tragically cut down by The Hooded Man in one blow with a Dragon Sword. The Hooded Man, revealed to be the undefeatable hero Lloyd escapes, leaving the party to mourn their lost member. The dragoon spirit leaves Lavitz and flies into the air to find its next chosen one, only to return and float before King Albert. King Albert accepts the stone and leaves the prison with the party.

Escaping to Seles, the party are dispirited and see no way to defeat the Imperial Sandoran enemy. King Albert tells the group about the Moon Gem, that it is a sacred object from the Dragon Campaign created by and for the winglies and is sealed in the crown heir for safe keeping. Holding the gem would give Emperor Doel the right to rule Serdio and win the war. As his castle is under occupation, King Albert cannot call upon his forces. Clutching his dragoon spirit, King Albert inspires the dragoon party to venture forward to the Black Castle and defeat Emperor Doel. The party leave Seles and head to the capital of Sandora.

The party

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Name Strikes Dmg% (Maxed) SP (Maxed) Acquisition
Harpoon 1 150% 50 Initial Addition
Spinning Cane 2 200% 35 Level 5
Rod Typhoon 4 202% 100 Level 7
Gust of Wind Dance 6 350% 35 Level 11
Blossom Storm 7 405% 202 80 completions on all prior additions

Dragoon Form


The following table covers D'Level progression: SP required to level up, as well as the bonuses granted to Dragoon form once that level has been reached (even if SP bar is below maximum).

1 -- 150% 200% 200% 200%
2 1,000 155% 210% 205% 210%
3 6,000 160% 220% 210% 220%
4 12,000 165% 230 % 215% 230%
5 20,000 170% 250% 220% 250%


The following table covers magic spells that can be cast by this Dragoon.

D'Level Name MP Cost Effects
1 Wing Blaster 20 all enemies, 25%
2 Rose Storm 20 all allies reduced damage to 1/2 for 3 of caster's turns
3 Gaspless 30 single enemy, 100%
5 Jade Dragon 80 all enemies, 75%



  1. A slide leads from King Albert's bedroom to the bedrooms on the second floor.
