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Dart Feld
Age: 23
Height: 178cm / 5'10"
Species: Human
Element: Fire
Voice Artist: John Butterfield

Dart is a young warrior from the village of Seles. He has a chestnut fringe-cut paired with blue eyes. Having just returned from a five-year journey seeking the one responsible for his parents' death, he returns to find soldiers of Imperial Sandora and a Dragon; along with his home in ruins.


Chapter 1: Serdian War


On the outskirts of Seles, Dart is accosted by a band of Sandoran solder's. Before a fight can break out a giant monster forces Dart and the soldiers to flee. The monster chases Dart but he escapes with the the help of a mysterious woman. The woman tells Dart the nearby village was destroyed by the combined might of the monster and soldiers. Enraged, Dart runs toward the ashes of his childhood home. In Seles, Dart defeats some lingering soldiers, and connects with old acquaintances, including his sword master Tasman. He learns his childhood friend Shana was taken to Hellena Prison, and immediately resolves to break her out of prison by himself.
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Hellena Prison

While on the prairie's of Serdio on route to Hellena, Dart reminisces about how he always used to protect Shana from threats when they were kids, like a brother would protect his sister.

Upon arriving at the prison, Dart hides on a supply wagon to gain entry. He navigates through the prison, killing all who stand in his way. He nearly comes to blows with Lavitz, a knight of Basil attempting to escape, however the prison guards arrive prompting the duo to instead team up against them. They agree to help each other escape, after locating Shana. Locating her cell and they key, they break her out. Shana insists on participating in the fight to escape, against Dart's wishes.

The trio fight their way out of the prison, but must make a daring escape through the prison warden Freugel. They tend their wounds in an abandoned shack on the prairie, and decide to head for the city of Bale. Their path takes them through a Limestone Cave. A snake monster blocks their path at the end of the cave, however the warriors defeat it easily. In it's death throes, the monster nearly kills Shana but a strange light obliterates the creature before it can harm her. Bewildered, but undaunted, the hero's make their way towards the safety of Bale.

Hoax Conflict

Dart, Lavitz, and Shana arrive at the palace in Bale and have an audience with Albert, king of Basil. As thanks for assisting his favored knight escape, Dart is offered a boon from the King. He asks for Shana stay at Bale to be kept safe from Imperial Sandora. Shana protests, and Albert refuses, saying he can't protect her due to the might of the dragon employed by the empire. Dart instead asks Minister Noish about the Black Monster. Albert ends the audience to attend a war meeting with his hooded advisor and other commanders. Having lost his village to the imperial dragon, Dart resolves to fight on behalf of Basil along side Lavitz.

The party is dispatched to defend Hoax, one of the last major forts defending Bale. The commander at Hoax, Kaiser, assigns Dart and Lavitz to night watch duty. Before his watch begins, Dart explores the fort with Shana. They encounter a elderly midwife who says Prince Dole and Albert's father King Carlo used to be very close, but something happened 20 years ago that changed Dole eventually leading to him killing his brother Carlo and start the civil war.

During the night, the Empire attacks. Dart and Lavitz must fend off soldiers, elite troops, and a giant man with an axe named Kongol. Despite the pair's best effort, Dart is defeated by Kongol. Before a deathblow can be dealt, the mysterious woman Dart had met outside of Seles flies onto the battle field with gossamer wings, clad in dark incandescent armor. She drives Kongol back, then raises her sword towards Dart, proclaiming "Wake Up. Red eye-Dragoon". Dart erupts with red light and fire, then deals the final blow to Kongol. Dart's armor has transfored into bright red winged armor, similar to the mysterious woman. The remaining empire soldiers flee in terror. The armor disappears off Dart in a flash of red light, and he collapses.

When Dart wakes, the mysterious woman reveals her name is Rose. She explains she is a Dragoon, and now Dart is too.

Dragon Hunt

With the power of the Dragoon at his call, Dart resolves to hunt down Feyrbrand once and for all. The Dragon's nest is through a Marshland and Volcano Villude. The path takes the party very near a heavily contested combat zone, the 7th Fort.

While traversing through the Marshland Shana slips, hurting her ankle. Dart carries her through a potion of the marsh in a piggy back ride, like he had done for her when they were kids.

Inside the Volcano the party finds a long dead monster from the Dragon Campaign called a Virage. Shana enters a trance as the Virage return's to life and attacks her. The party comes to her defense and Dart knocks it into a pool of lava, killing it once and for all. On the way towards the Volcano exit, the Firebird blocks the party's path, forcing a confrontation. Just before the exit, the party encounters Dabas, a trader from the nearby city of Lohan.

Finally arriving at The Nest of Dragon, the air itself has turned toxic from the dragon's presence. The nest is a cavernous maze of strange fauna the leads to Feyrbrand's lair. There, Lavitz meets a former knight of Basil named Greham, who had killed Lavtiz father Servi and defected to Imperial Sandora. Greham transforms into a wind dragoon, calls Feyrbrand, and attacks. After defeating Greham, the dragoon spirit he wielded recognizes Lavtiz as a dragoon. While leaving the nest, Shana falls victim to the toxin's lingering in the air. Dart rushes toward Lohan where he hopes to heal her.

Healing Shana

Collapse story content


Starting at level 1, Dart is an all-around combatant having average stats and a balanced set of additions. He is introduced at level 1. Often, his AT, DF, MAT, and MDF will be within a few points of each other. While he is not specialized, Dart will still prove to be capable in most combat situations.


AT, DF, MAT, and MDF are added together in the Total column.

1 2 4 3 4 13 30 50
10 22 23 21 21 87 300 50
20 47 48 46 48 189 1077 50
30 72 73 71 71 287 2168 50
40 97 98 96 98 389 3351 50
50 122 123 121 121 487 5801 50
60 150 150 150 150 600 7500 50


Name Strikes Dmg% (Maxed) SP (Maxed) Acquisition
Double Slash 2 202% 35 Initial
Volcano 4 250% 36 Level 2
Burning Rush 3 150% 102 Level 8
Crush Dance 5 250% 100 Level 15
Madness Hero 6 100% 204 Level 22
Moon Strike 7 350% 20 Level 29
Blazing Dynamo 8 450% 150 80 completions on
all prior additions.

Dragoon Form

Dart can deal fair damage with both his physical attack and spells. The Red-Eye Dragoon's magic will focus on offense, featuring a mixture of both single-target and AoE abilities.


The following table covers D'Level progression: SP required to level up, as well as the bonuses permanently granted to Dragoon form once that level has been reached.

1 -- 150% 200% 150% 200%
2 1,200 155% 210% 155% 210%
3 6,000 160% 220% 160% 220%
4 12,000 165% 230% 165% 230%
5 20,000 170% 250% 170% 250%


The following abilities can be used by this Dragoon.

D'Level Name MP Cost Effects
1 Flameshot 10 200% (Single)
2 Explosion 20 100% (All)
3 Final Burst 30 300% (Single)
5 Red-Eye Dragon 80 300% (All)
*Damage modifier values provided in-game are inconsistent and inaccurate. 



  1. While Dart is the field character, standing still for a time will cause his idle animation to play. He will cross his arms and tap his foot on the ground, as if to show that he's waiting to proceed.
  2. When dispirited in combat, his idle animation will put his arms to each side, hanging downward along with his sword.
  3. At the point of "red" HP, he will be down on one knee with sword angled to the ground behind him.
  4. There is a leftover "beta" character model of Dart for use on field maps, with orange armor and lower overall resolution. This model is actually used in at least one in-game cutscene. When Dart, Lavitz and Shana are fleeing from Hellena Prison on horseback, look at Dart's 3D model closely (or pause with video footage).
  5. Dart's addition, Madness Hero, generates the mose base SP in the game (204 SP at max level).
  6. Dart is the only known character to wield two Dragoon Spirits. This theme is reminiscent of other "leader" types as displayed in productions such as Power Rangers (Tommy), and Avatar (Jake Sully).
  7. Dart was going to be in Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale as DLC alongside Abe from the Oddworld series. Character artist Mike Edwards even created a 3D model for the game, but the plans were canceled.
  8. Originally, Dart's sword did not have a red hilt. It looked a bit different overall, and is still present and used in the game. Watch closely during his transformation sequence at the end of the game.
