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Height: 170cm / 6'7"
Species: Human
Element: Dark
Voice Artist: Awele Makeba

Rose is the first in-game character that we are introduced to in the story, after the opening cutscene. She is a serious woman and experienced fighter- yet remains reserved about the events of her past. Rose has long, black hair with fringes that frame her face, and gray eyes paired with crimson lips.

Personality and Traits

Rose is curt and aloof, only showing amusement or interest when watching someone overcome great odds or utterly fail. Conversations after her joining the party reveal that she is accustomed to sacrifice and accepts death in a passive and at times morbid way. However, as Rose continues with the party, she reveals herself to be a true hero with a good, if scarred, heart.


Chapter 1: Serdian War

Rose is the first character seen in the game. In the first cutscene, she is overlooking a forest landscape, watching the destructive route of the dragon Feyrbrand. Using incredible agility, she jumps down the cliffside and enters the forest. When she approaches the dragon, she finds the protagonist, a young man in red armor by the name of Dart, being harassed by the creature. Rose is able to sweep Dart out of the dragon's sight before he is killed, and explains to the young man that the dragon is part of a war, as were the warriors who passed by. Dart exclaims that the town of Seles that they burnt down is his home town, and sprints off to salvage whatever remains. Rose crosses her arms and watches quietly.

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Name Strikes Dmg% (Maxed) SP (Maxed) Acquisition
Whip Smack 1 200% 35 Initial
More & More 2 150% 102 14
Hard Blade 5 300% 35 19
Demon's Dance 7 500% 100 80 completions on

all prior additions.

Dragoon Form


The following table covers D'Level progression: SP required to level up, as well as the bonuses granted to Dragoon form once that level has been reached (even if SP bar is below maximum).

1 -- 150% 200% 150% 200%
2 1,200 155% 210% 155% 210%
3 6,000 160% 220% 160% 220%
4 12,000 165% 230% 165% 230%
5 20,000 170% 250% 170% 250%


The following table covers magic spells that can be cast by this Dragoon.

D'Level Name MP Cost Effects
1 Astral Drain 10 25% single enemy, HP for all allies
2 Death Dimension 20 25% all enemies, inflicts fear to all Minor Mobs
3 Demon's Gate 30 all enemies, instantly destroys all Minor Mobs except Rare Monsters
5 Darkness Dragon 80 100% single enemy


