Divine Tree

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Divine Tree

According to legend, the Divine Tree is a tree planted by the god Soa, located in the Endiness continent. It contains 108 fruits, each with a different species, meant to fill the world with life.


Mille Seseau's state religion worships the Divine Tree, and is a belief that began 11,000 years ago as evidenced by ancient ruins. Bishop Dille, who resides in the capital Deningrad, claims the tree is protected from evil by a seal the Winglies created. This is true, as the Divine Tree is magically cloaked for as long as the 108th Fruit is suspended in the sky as the Moon That Never Sets.
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In the beginning, the world was empty and barren. One day, Soa sowed a seed that would become the Divine Tree. It would grow to be 2,500 meters tall. Also known as the Tree of Life, it is host to 108 fruits - each containing a species that would populate the world over time. When all of the fruits ripen and fall to the ground, the tree will die.

Eventually, the 108th fruit was the last fruit left on the Divine Tree. However, before it could give birth to Virage, Winglies found out the truth. They discovered that Virage were a species that, if born, would end all life in the world. Therefore, they began preparations to seal the 108th fruit and halt its progress. The Winglies did this by suspending the 108th fruit in the sky, separating the flesh from the soul. The flesh would later become known as the Moon That Never Sets, while the soul was locked in a magical container known as the Crystal Sphere. In doing this, the Divine Tree could not fully die, and the cycle was left incomplete indefinitely.

During the final battle of the Dragon Campaign, Zieg would strike a fatal blow to Melbu Frahma in aerial combat inside the Wingly capital of Kadessa. Melbu and Zieg fell into one of the Signet Spheres, along with Melbu's Crystal Sphere. While Kadessa was falling apart, the Crystal Sphere had also broken, releasing the soul of the 108th fruit. This began a new cycle, whereby every 108 years the soul would possess a newborn human - with the eventual goal of reaching the Moon. If successful, the original cycle would resume and all life would be wiped out.


Currently, there are only a few dozen lifeforms remaining from the original 108 species. All life on the planet is either one of theses original species, or evolutions of them.

Species and Fruit Number

97 - Giganto

Gigantos are large, tall humanoids of great physical strength. Although at least a handful still existed 20 years ago, they were lost in a bandit raid save for one: Kongol. Their average height is 3-8 meters, or 9'10"-26'3".

99 - Mininto

In contrast to Gigantos, Minintos are small humanoids. They are fun-loving and have an average height of one meter or 3'3".

105 - Dragon

Dragons are large creatures imbued with incredible magic power. Although they have little intellect, they possess some of the greatest destructive force of any species.

106 - Human

Humans are the most populous species, having created cities and villages across the continent of Endiness and beyond. They are generally adaptive but do not possess innate magical abilities like many other species do.

107 - Wingly

Born of the penultimate fruit, Winglies are a humanoid species capable of great magic. Unlike Dragons, their intellect and magic can be focused and woven into many applications, such as personal flight or teleportation.

108 - Virage

The last species, Virage are unlike all the others. Their birth signals the end of all life - the completion of a cycle. The numerous standard-looking Virage act as vanguards for the primary Virage Embryo, protecting it at any cost.

Other Species


Primarily found in Mayfil, this species has gone by many names including 'Residents of the Darkness' and 'The Writhing Darkness'. Zackwell and their subordinate Menon are of this species, and Selebus is half-Demon.

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