Home of Gigantos

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Home of Gigantos

Home of Gigantos is a Village located west of the Valley of Corrupted Gravity. It consists of many large stone structures which once used to house many Giganto. Now it sits in ruin, a shell of it's former glory. It is currently home to the Gehrich Gang. Dart and the party travel here in hopes of re-acquiring Dart's stolen Red-Eye Dragoon Spirit.


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Save Points

Head all the way up the stairs and it will be to the left of the Rock Fireflies.

Rest Areas

A Group of Rock Fireflies can be found in the area just before the Entrance to Gehrich's hideout. The party will stop and explore a room when you first enter this area. After the party search a nearby building, they discover it to be full of rock fireflies.




Main article: Goods

Name Acquisition Image
Red-Eye Dragoon Spirit Completion of local Story (Image)


Main article: Stardust

Location Image
In the room where Gerich and Mappi are fought. Interact with the candle to the right of the stairwell that opens up after the fight (Image)

Treasure Chests

Main article: Treasure Chests

There are 3 treasure chests in this area.

Contents Acquisition Image
Fake Knight Shield First area, between two stones. Image
20G Enter the building to the left of the area with the Arrow Trap. Image
Bandit's Ring There is a building in the area with the Arrow trap. Enter it, then exit using the most southern door. You will be standing next to the chest. Image
Angel's Prayer Head down the stairs on the left of the Rock Fireflies Image


Minor Mobs

Name Element Exp. Gold Drops
Crafty Thief Dark 50 18 Pellet (8%)
Gangster Earth 60 12 Bandit's Ring (2%)
Berserker Dark 55 15 Energy Girdle (2%)
Piggy Earth 40 21 Sachet (2%)

Battle Formations



Name Element HP EXP Gold Drops Notes/Strategies
Gehrich Earth 2000 5000 200 Soul Headband (25%)
Mappi (II) Dark 1200 0 0 Diamond Claw (25%) Fought together with Gehrich.



  1. Early on you will come across an area that has a trap which fires arrows at the Party. You can head into the building in the left of this area. There is a switch in this building to turn the trap off.
