Limestone Cave

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Limestone Cave
Limestone Cave.png

Limestone Cave is the fifth accessible area in the first disc of Legend of the Dragoon. It is located on the north end of Serdio, and serves as a passage between the Prairie and Bale. The party must pass through the cave so that Lavitz can report back to Albert about the events at Seles and Hellena. The Limestone Cave is a treacherous place, where rushing water and slick surfaces make it difficult for the party to get around. It also contains several unique enemies that the party has not encountered before, including enemies that can induce the poison effect (needs confirmation). At the center of a cave lurks the deadly serpent Urobolos.


After leaving the warmth and light of the Prairie, Dart, Shana, and Lavitz enter the Limestone Cave. The mouth of the cave faces Basil's scenic northern coast, and the cave is cut through with rushing streams and eroding rock platforms. Dart and friends must maneuver their way through the twisting passages, battling subterranean creatures and collecting numerous items along the way. It's not all danger and gloom, however: the second room from the cave entrance contains a natural water slide, which Dart can ride down, unbothered. Parts of the Limestone Cave are beautiful, with water pooling and glimmering with what little light there is in the depths.

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The party travels across a river deep in the cavern by hopping over stepping stones. Just before they've all crossed safely, Lavitz slips on the penultimate stone: he would have tumbled off the stone and over the edge of a waterfall if it wasn't for Dart's quick reflexes. Dart is able to pull Lavitz out of danger, and together they return safely to solid ground, exasperated and relieved by the adrenaline of it all. Lavitz thanks Dart for saving his life (a second time) to which Dart cooly responds, "I was just there." Nevertheless, Lavitz shows appreciation for the relationship, exuberantly thanking Dart, and they seem to share a moment of camaraderie. Shana watched this all unfold, and is noticeably left out of the celebration. The two men proceed through the cave together without waiting for her. After, the party dives further into the depths of the cavern. They seem to be traveling above the water now, on a series of eroded limestone platforms. At the center of this cavern are a cluster of flickering orbs. Dart recognizes these for what they are first: Rock Fireflies. Here, only the gossamer-light of the fireflies waxes and wanes as if greet the party. They are a welcome sight, as Rock Fireflies can completely heal and refresh the party.

Dart and Lavitz are both familiar with the utility of Rock Fireflies on the battlefield, but Shana has never seen them before. Again, she feels left out. Dart stirs up the fireflies and they grow brighter until the healing light engulfs the room. The party is refreshed. Shana is astonished, and Dart remarks that "[she] learned at least one thing." Put out with Dart's shenanigans, Shana retorts, "Well, well. I know something you don't know too, Dart." It is never revealed exactly what this is, but there are a demonstrable dearth of things that Dart doesn't know. Lavitz steers the interaction away from a confrontation by reminding them that they need to get to Bale soon.

The cavern opens up from a series of narrow passageways to a large room containing an underground lake. Daylight can be seen on the far end of the room, indicating to the weary party that they are nearly through the cave system. However, between them and the exit is a long path that wanders across the lake's surface. As the party makes their way across, it becomes clear that they are not alone. As Dart charges ahead, Shana and Lavitz are keen to the arrival of the cave guardian, Urobolus! The party must fight Urobolus to avoid being devoured as the great snake slithers in and out of the cave walls. Finally, Dart rushes ahead to deliver a final blow and Urobolus falls to the floor. Victorious, the party makes their way towards the exit and the promise of the castle, with Shana slowly trailing behind. Something compels her to turn around and cast a last forlorn glance at the defeated creature. However, Urobolus is still alive. It raises its mangled body up and strikes at defenseless Shana.

Dart was too far ahead to reach her in time. It's clear that Shana would have become snake-food if it weren't for the emergence of blinding beams of light. Shana is glowing, and within seconds the beast is dissipated in her rays. Dart and Lavitz are dumbfounded as Shana, confused and drained, falls to the floor. Dart inquires what happened and Shana doesn't have an answer. Without another word about this strange occurrence, she rises to her feet and upon Lavitz's suggestion, they continue their way towards Bale.

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In the area after the stepping stones, there is 1 bunch of Rock Fireflies in the center which act as a hotel and clinic.

In the area just before the boss encounter there is 1 save point.


Treasure Chests

Main article: Treasure Chests

There are 16 treasure chests in this area.
There is an easy-to-miss chest for users who follow the most obvious path first. On the very first screen, it's possible to head right and downward, across stone steps to access a hidden-away item.

Contents Acquisition Image
Detonate Rock Directly to the left upon entering the first area.
Healing Potion Down a secret path along the bottom right of the first area.
20g Take the slide in the second area without any inputs.
Bastard Sword Take the slide in the second area and hold up and then down to follow the correct paths.
Total Vanishing Along the stepping stones. Can be temporarily missed if you go the wrong way and Shana blocks your path. If that happens, simply leave the area and return to get it.
Body Purifier Further along the stepping stones.
100g Take the upper exit from the room after the stepping stones and jump across larger stones in the next area. I
Angel's Prayer Just past the rock fireflies.
Burn Out Continue up the path past the rock fireflies.
Spark Net Head through the uppermost exit in the room after the rock fireflies, then jump more stones.
Poison Guard In the same room as above. You must chase and catch the frog creature for it to appear.
Charm Potion In the room past the rock fireflies, along the left path.
Body Purifier Past the save point to the left of the path.
Bandana On the path past the save point on the right of the path.
Healing Potion Along the winding path in the area after Orobolus.
50g Further along the winding path after Orobolus.


Minor Mobs

Name Element Exp. Gold Drops
Evil Spider Earth 12 12 Angel's Prayer (8%)
Orc Dark 10 6 Dark Mist (10%)
Screaming Bat Dark 8 6 Healing Potion (8%)
Slime Earth 11 6 Body Purifier (10%)
Ugly Balloon Wind 10 9 Poison Guard (2%)

Battle Formations

Unit A Unit B Unit C
Screaming Bat Screaming Bat
Ugly Balloon
Evil Spider
Screaming Bat Ugly Balloon
Screaming Bat Screaming Bat Orc
Slime Ugly Balloon
Slime Slime
Orc Orc Ugly Balloon


Name Element HP EXP Gold Drops Notes/Strategies
Urobolus Earth 400 50 100 Wargod's Amulet (100%) May hide in elevated hole in wall. Only Shana and thrown items can hit Urobolus in this state.


  1. The Bandana gear acquired seems useless, as Dart already has a Bandana and Lavitz comes with a headgear that surpasses it. While wholly unnecessary, it is worth noting that the player can equip this new Bandana on Lavitz in order to give the Sallet to Dart. This technique is marginally more useful as the game progresses,in times when spare gear is low but you wish to move a piece of equipment from one character to another.
