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The Prairie is an expansive grassland north of Seles. Lightly trodden paths are spread throughout, and the trees are sparsely spaced. Downhill from a swiftly flowing river resides a small woodcutter's hut. The Prairie is more open and bright in comparison to the Forest, though both serve as routes to reaching Seles.


Immediately fleeing Hellena, Dart, Lavitz, and Shana enter the prairie. They attempt to outrun the guards, but in their escape, an enemy arrow wounds Lavitz on the heel. He tries to downplay the attack but is unable to walk freely. Dart and Shana immediately try to come to his aid, though Lavitz is stubborn and argues - Dart offers to carry Lavitz and insists that Shana goes first, and both remarks are met with a rebuttal. However, the guards eventually catch up from behind, forcing the trio to hide in the tall grass. The scene is still for a few seconds until one of the guards notices some slight movement, and the party braces to attack as he calls out and approaches, only for a small rabbit-like creature to jump out from the grass. The guards backtrack in desperation to find the fugitives, not knowing they had been just a few feet away.
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The prairie is home to a small shack with a fenced horse and cart. There are dirt pathways along with some built from stone. As they near the shack, Lavitz re-examines his wound, which has served to be problematic. Shana brings Lavitz into the wooden shack to preform some first aid; the shack itself is built simplistically and cozy in nature.

In the shack's safety, with the guards off their trail, Shana inquires Dart about his last five years. Dart shares that he departed on a journey for revenge to find the Black monster, a mysterious creature who deprived Dart of his first home and family in Neet. A cutscene is then triggered that displays the town of Neet 18 years ago with the entire village is submerged in flames, the only kindling of light in that night amid the burnt carcasses of former buildings. Dart, only five years old, escapes the village with his mother and father - though his father returned to the town, his mother following soon after to assist those left behind in the blaze. Unfortunately, the black monster lay in waiting for them as young Dart also awaited the return of his parents, anticipating dawn against the winter snow. When Dart returned to Neet, there were no remnants of his family other than a shining stone; his father's keepsake, a glistening red orb that he carries to this day. Dart shows this orb to the party, the white rays of reflected sunlight streamlining daggers against the dark shadows inside the shack.

After hearing Dart's recollection, Shana expresses that she understood and knew someday this truth would be revealed. Lavitz also inquires about Dart's journey, this time about closure, to which Dart admits he still has not found. Neet is explained to be a town in the North, likely not a part of Serdio. This brief mention of geography acts as a gateway for Dart to question the current state of Serdio. Lavitz explains that currently, their kingdom of Basil is embroiled in a civil war with Imperial Sandora after the truce was broken when Emperor Doel obtained a dragon, shifting the balance of power and giving the opportunity for Doel's ambitious hunger to spread. Dart mentions the dragon he ran into on his way to Seles, alarming Lavitz and validating his worries that Doel is advancing. Lavitz determines that he must return to Bale to report to King Albert, encouraging Dart and Shana to also come with as Minister Noish may have information regarding the Black Monster; without any hesitation, Dart agrees.

The party attempts to make way through to the city only to find their way blocked by a raging river that is far too wide to cross. After some exploring, Dart finds a dead tree and intuitively uses an ax retrieved from the shed to chop it down and build a bridge for them to cross the river. The plan works perfectly, and the party crosses, quickly making their way out of the prairie, but not before first encountering a small refugee group: a father, mother and son.

If the party stops to talk to them, Lavitz tries to find out if the family needs help. The father begins to blame the knighthood that Lavitz is part of for their troubles, but his wife begs pardon for his temper, explaining they are refugees from Imperial Sandora. Lavitz explains King Albert is hospitable to both friend and foe, and extends that hospitality by offering the son some food before inviting the family to stay at his home in Bale. The father is taken aback at first by Lavitz' kindness, but eventually accepts his offer joyfully. After leaving the family, the party continues onward to the Limestone Cave.

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Treasure Chests

Main article: Treasure Chests

There are 3 treasure chests in this area.

Contents Acquisition Image
100G The winding path if coming from Hellena, go straight through the rock.
Total Vanishing Hidden in the bottom left hand corner around the Shack.
Angel's Prayer Up a path shortly after crossing the log bridge.


Minor Mobs

Name Exp. Gold Drops
Crescent Bee 10 6 Spinning Gale (8%)
Vampire Kiwi 8 9 Healing Potion (8%)
Mole 11 9 Angel's Prayer (8%)
Mantis 12 6 Pellet (8%)

Battle Formation

Unit A Unit B Unit C
Vampire Kiwi
Crescent Bee
Vampire Kiwi Vampire Kiwi
Vampire Kiwi Crescent Bee
Mantis Crescent Bee
Mole Mole
Vampire Kiwi Vampire Kiwi Mole
Mantis Vampire Kiwi



  1. The scene with the refugee family is missable. If you exit to the world map toward Limestone Cave without interacting with the family, they will be gone when you reenter Prairie.
