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Fueno is the coastal port for Suncrest Island, and home to many Tiberoan fisherman. Though, mainly a merchant town, its primary claim to fame is its world-renowned hot spring.


Dart and Rose arrive in Fueno escorting Pete and his mother from their village, Lidiera through the Undersea Cavern. They express their thanks on their way to the clinic, with Pete noting Rose's feelings about Dart before being told to stay quiet. The party of two proceed into town, intent on reuniting with their friends. Fortunately, the Queen Fury is docked at the port, and they are met by Commodore Puler, who informs them that the rest of the party is in the city. The two then make their way back up from the port, promptly bumping into Meru. Meru, excited to see her friends having survived after the Phantom Ship sank, quickly states that everyone else is at the inn. Dart, Rose and Meru then make for the seemingly empty inn when everything goes dark. Meru then uncovers Dart's and Rose's eyes to reveal their comrades, all excited to see the two return to them. Albert quickly mentions that Shana is upstairs in her room and hasn't slept or even eaten since Dart tragically disappeared. Dart quickly makes his way upstairs to ease her worry and comfort her. After a brief exchange of loving words, Meru falls through the doorway, having been eavesdropping on the conversation. The party reconvenes downstairs to discuss the situation agreeing that Lenus and her dragon are hiding out on Prison Island and quickly make their way to Lidiera.
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Save Points

Rest Areas


Cost Name
10 Healing Potion
50 Healing Breeze
50 Sun Rhapsody
30 Angel's Prayer
20 Mind Purifier
4 Charm Potion
10 Burn Out
20 Gushing Magma
Cost Name Description
250 Falchion
250 Bemusing Arrow
250 Morning Star
200 Plate Mail
200 Sparkle Dress
150 Knight Helm



Main article: Goods



Main article: Stardust


Treasure Chests

Main article: Treasure Chests

There are X treasure chests in this area.



Minor Mobs


Battle Formations



