Project Update: Image Upscale Mod
Hello all, it’s been a while since our last post about the upscale project. Yes, we are still working on it and would like to give an update about what has been happening all this time. Current progress: Progress was not on upscaling the backgrounds alone. Before, where cutouts had been completed, they were done…
The Legend of Dragoon Upscale Project
After seeing so much community interest in the possibility of improved visuals in Legend of Dragoon, we are excited to kick off the new year with an official announcement of our ongoing Legend of Dragoon Upscale Project! This project has actually been in the works on our community Discord server since last summer, when RetroArch…
Dragoon Modifier – Public Beta Release
Dragoon Modifier is the open source rewrite of the popular Difficulty Modifier! This successor is a tool that will modify Legend of Dragoon when it is running on a Windows Emulator for added replay factor and unique gameplay. What is the difference between the two? Dragoon Modifier imports every single Difficulty Modifier mod while adding…