Remake Petition

December 2nd, 2019 marks the 20th anniversary for Legend of Dragoon’s original release in Japan. Now is an excellent time to unite worldwide and petition for a remake. You can sign right on this page! Below the petition is a formal letter addressed to Sony Interactive Entertainment.

Note: if you are not comfortable putting your first name, feel free to write an alias/nickname.

The minimum goal is to attain 11,682 signatures (years since Dragon Campaign). We have reached our main target of 25,000 signatures! The next target is 50,000 and then 100,000.

One fan was so deeply inspired by this campaign, that they recorded a voiceover of the letter. It is done in the style of LoD’s history videos. Voice credit to RAVENSAUDIO.


If you use Twitter, please join our Hashtag campaign! Like and RT with the #RemakeLoD hashtag.

If you have a sphere of influence, small or large, please spread word of our campaign to relevant networks and news outlets. Be sure to do so with respect, however. We do not condone spam or inappropriate advertising.

Connect with fellow fans on social media!

Letter to Sony

↑ Optional music for fans to play while reading the letter below. ↓

Dear Sony,

In the late 90s, key staff of yours had the wild idea to make their own RPG for gamers to enjoy. Obviously an ambitious project, Legend of Dragoon grew to have a large budget and staff team. Three years of development would pass, with special showings of LoD at various tech conventions and tradeshows like SIGGRAPH and E3. Your work was ahead of its time with incredible cinematics, story, and a combat system that preceded quick-time events in video games.

While initial reception was lukewarm, Legend of Dragoon has grown a cult following in the tens of thousands. We’ve been isolated from one another for a long time, but that’s starting to change. We are organizing to tell you that there is a true fan demand for a remake. We still talk about the game to this day on Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Twitter, and dozens of small forums et al. Further, we are confident that LoD could draw many new fans in today’s gaming industry.

It is our formal request that Legend of Dragoon be selected for remake treatment: maintaining the overall story and user experience, but with carefully-selected improvements. At this point in time, the eventual PS5 is the best release platform. If it were made for PS4, LoD would again suffer the fate of being released at the end of a console’s generation.

In the event that a remake comes to pass, below this letter are some of the changes we would like you to consider based on player feedback. Regardless, we hope that this campaign inspires your company to realize that you can do more with this intellectual property – especially with the technology available today. As Shuhei Yoshida has said: “Long live LoD!”


DrewUniverse and the undersigned, on behalf of the global Legend of Dragoon community.

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