Author: Drew

  • Severed Sundays – January 8th

    Hello hello! It’s Severed Sundays, which means a new recap on progress for the Severed Chains platform. Like we mentioned in the livestream this past Friday, Monoxide and I had some setbacks, but we managed a bit of progress anyway. This will be a lighter update. No new recommended build this week. Although Monoxide made…

  • Severed Sundays – January 1st

    Severed Sundays – January 1st

    Hello and welcome to our first news article for 2023! Drew here, wishing everyone a Happy New Year as we continue trying to escape 2016. Monoxide and I have been quite busy, so pardon our belated recap.

  • Severed Sundays – December 18th

    Drew: Originally, we were going to have a slow-down after the incredible progress over the last two weeks of updates to Severed Chains. Turns out, the modding community came up with a lot of improvements both internal and apparent. Let’s dive in. Internal Upgrades Monoxide: Disk unpacking and file pre-processing: we now unpack all game…

  • Severed Sundays

    Jump to: December 2nd – December 9th Hello and welcome to a new blog series! Drew here, alongside a few other volunteers. We’re working together to create a digest of recurring progress on the Severed Chains platform – the custom re-written game engine that is well on its way to running LoD better than emulators…

  • October Arts Event: Spooky

    October Arts Event: Spooky

    Spook things up this October with our latest arts event! Give me the Zackwell fanart – ALL OF IT!