Author: Drew

  • PlayStation Studios brand will launch alongside PS5

    Many fans of Legend of Dragoon may have grown accustomed to the idea that Sony has closely safeguarded several of its old first-party titles. Sometimes feeling like those titles, especially LoD, were effectively abandoned or neglected. While I don’t claim that the announcement of Playstation Studios is any kind of promise, it does seem like…

  • LoD in the (Old) News #1: CG World Magazine

    A few weeks ago I ordered a CG World magazine, called “The Making of Game Graphics 1998-2001.” The Legend of Dragoon article within revolves around the technology used to make the game, but it also has some concept art that most fans haven’t seen until now! I just completed a basic translation of the article,…

  • LoD Remake Petition – Campaign Update Dec. 12, 2019

    Watch the video! Transcription below: Hello everyone! I’m DrewUniverse, unofficial community organizer for the Legend of Dragoon. Today I bring you the first update on our global effort to get this game re-introduced to the gaming industry.  The global campaign to petition for a Legend of Dragoon remake has reached its minimum goal of 11,682…

  • “The Bluepoint Tweet.”

    If ever there was a game development studio that really, truly knew itself, it might be Bluepoint Games. Their choice to specialize in reworking old content is atypical from the get-go, but to do so successfully this many times now? They stand out, and they know their impact. This is evidenced – once again –…

  • Hello, Endiness!

    Drew here. I finally got this project started – the website portion of things. Not much to see for today, because the global campaign is launching in preparation to request a new TLoD game from Sony, but I’ll get this going in my spare time or as volunteers become available. Expect the wiki, forum, and…