Category: Severed Chains

  • Severed Sundays – January 8th

    Hello hello! It’s Severed Sundays, which means a new recap on progress for the Severed Chains platform. Like we mentioned in the livestream this past Friday, Monoxide and I had some setbacks, but we managed a bit of progress anyway. This will be a lighter update. No new recommended build this week. Although Monoxide made…

  • Severed Sundays – January 1st

    Severed Sundays – January 1st

    Hello and welcome to our first news article for 2023! Drew here, wishing everyone a Happy New Year as we continue trying to escape 2016. Monoxide and I have been quite busy, so pardon our belated recap.

  • Severed Sundays – December 18th

    Drew: Originally, we were going to have a slow-down after the incredible progress over the last two weeks of updates to Severed Chains. Turns out, the modding community came up with a lot of improvements both internal and apparent. Let’s dive in. Internal Upgrades Monoxide: Disk unpacking and file pre-processing: we now unpack all game…

  • Severed Sundays

    Jump to: December 2nd – December 9th Hello and welcome to a new blog series! Drew here, alongside a few other volunteers. We’re working together to create a digest of recurring progress on the Severed Chains platform – the custom re-written game engine that is well on its way to running LoD better than emulators…

  • The Project We’ve Been Waiting 11,000 Years For

    Introduction Hey everyone! For anyone who isn’t already familiar with me, I’m Monoxide, the developer working on the Legend of Dragoon PC port. I’ve been working on the project for the past two years (11,000 years might have been a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s felt like it at times.) The goal of the…