It’s beta test weekend! Woop woop! Time to put the Severed Chains port of LoD to the test with the help of the fandom. Hey, that’s probably you! We’ve had hundreds of people apply to test – it’s humbling to see and we greatly appreciate it. Let’s get started, and here’s an optional last-minute video primer if you’re so inclined to watch! (I’m away from home, oops.)
What is the Beta Test?
We’re checking virtually everything a player can do in Legend of Dragoon. Combat, towns, dungeons, collectibles, et cetera. Any remaining bugs are going to be found and quashed, to ensure SC is super polished before the upcoming stable release of 3.0. There may or may not be a reward for whomever finds the most bugs. Showing up late is fine, but here’s the basic schedule:
Getting Started
Friday, March 7th
- Join the LoD Discord Server. Enter the #severed-chains channel and ask to be a tester. You’ll be granted a role that opens up channels only testers can see.
- View our Testing Guide. It has everything you need to know, including supplemental guides, tools, resources, and test examples.
- View our Giganto-Tier Checklist™ spreadsheet. It contains hundreds and hundreds of line items that require testing!
- Ensure you have Severed Chains and an emulator set up, as outlined in the supplemental guides from step 2. Make sure your game files are ready – the file format can be “.iso” or “.bin”.
- Go to bed. (This step is optional.)
Saturday, March 8th
- Wake up. Maybe eat breakfast. Pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming. Do you like bagels? Have a bagel. With cream cheese.
- Testing begins once the SC devteam is ready.
- Follow the aforementioned Testing Guide, collaborating with other testers and the SC devteam on Discord.
- Testing will resume for as long as needed – probably a few weeks.
Thank you all for your continued interest and passion. Long live LoD!
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