Community Testing for SC RB3 Starts Today!
Group Testing for Rec. Build 3 is live! Come help check for issues in RB3 so we can make it as stable as possible together!
Big Severed Chains Update Needs Testers!
With RecBuild 3 nearing completion, we need help testing! Read on to learn about the upcoming group test period starting May 24.
Now Available: Rec. Build #2 for Severed Chains!
With a slew of improvements since RB1, RB2 is here with music support!
Severed Chains – New Recommended Build!
Severed Chains officially enters the beta stage of development! As we get closer and closer to parity with retail, more framework is being setup for long-term benefits. Let’s mark this moment!
Severed Sundays – January 15th
Welcome back to another Severed Sundays! Monoxide here. This week was another slow one in terms of new features, but big for the game engine. I’ve been working on major behind the scenes changes that have taken up most of my dev time. More on that in a bit. Previously on Severed Chains… In our…