In many cases, the number of people supporting a cause can be a factor in how successful that cause becomes. We’re going to need numbers, but how many is enough? How do we gather people and what should we say?

I am calling on the global fanbase for aid. Word of mouth from each of you is a powerful tool. We also need influencers who would be generous enough to help signal-boost the 20th anniversary and our campaign along with it. I have created this spreadsheet. Please help me generate a list of groups and individuals who we could ask for assistance spreading word of our campaign. Try to target larger influencers that have some relevance, such as an RPG group or someone who supports remakes of old games. Use the spreadsheet to suggest influencers, and/or to contact some of them. While targeting people with high follow/subscriber counts is important, don’t be afraid to list lesser-known entities.
The Message
Basically, we want to communicate to these groups and individuals that LoD’s 20th anniversary is on Monday and we’d like their help by raising awareness of our remake campaign. As I said in a prior topic, I know the hour is late for preparing posts in advance (RL came up), but if they can post later in December that may still make a difference. The more people we can unite and attain legitimate signatures from, the better.
Please hold off on contacting any groups for today, but start making a list of them on the spreadsheet I mentioned above. I will generate a single, summarized page on with campaign information. The goal is to give all influencers a link to that page, which I will have ready by tomorrow come hell or high water. Then their userbase will see it, some will click on it, and I’ll make sure instructions are simple for how to sign/participate.
Previous Campaigns & Petitions
Sometimes fans will say: “We’ve already done so many of these – what makes you think this will be different?” That’s a fair question. I don’t know that this campaign will succeed, let alone attain numbers of other campaigns. What I do know is that for many reasons, now is a good time to do our biggest push yet. Anniversary timing, a good development candidate if Sony were to give consent, and a more organized/inclusive campaign. So let’s give it a fair go, even if it’s your last time campaigning for LoD. Thank you for your time – let’s keep this movement rolling, pino!
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