** Note: This program is scheduled to be sunset in the near future. Thanks to the expanded possibilities and ease of modding brought by the Severed Chains project, it makes sense to taper off major development of LoDModS.
Created by theflyingzamboni, this tool is used for rom-hacking Legend of Dragoon. It helps package different mods together into a single composite rom that will be used for an entire playthrough.
- Download: Latest releases
- Credit: theflyingzamboni
- Prerequisite to patch in all mods listed below.
List of mods applied through LODModS:
- Full Modpack (includes all, can still choose which ones to activate)
- 64-item limit by theflyingzamboni
- Encounter Rate bugfix by theflyingzamboni
- Full Script Revision by VoidWaveCEO
- Script Overhaul (Disc1 only) by theflyingzamboni
- Full EXP to all party members by theflyingzamboni
- Half Max HP for party by theflyingzamboni
- Roses Are Red (remove Demon’s Gate censor) by NoOneee
- Un-Dub (JP voiceovers applied to NA region’s FMVs) by NoOneee